1 Corinthians 13:1-7

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Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 before reading the devotional below.

These verses are some of the most famous in the Bible. You might come across this “love” passage on a decoration or at a wedding. Even those who are not Christians find meaning in these words. But even if you’ve heard them before, slow down and soak them in today.

Recall that Paul just talked about supernatural gifts and abilities given to us by the Holy Spirit. There was a call to unity as one body. Paul reminds us that without love, we have nothing supernatural at all. Love is defined here as a description of God himself — patient, kind, not prideful or rude, not irritable, and not holding on to wrongs. Take a moment to sit with each word in verses 4 through 7. Does that describe you?

Here’s your freedom for today:

God is calling you to a higher level.

Following Jesus is all about following. We imitate Jesus. We take direction from the Holy Spirit. We seek to embody the Father’s heart. Most of us imitate other things — the people around us, culture, even our parents in both good and bad ways. You could make it your mission to live out these verses every day for the rest of your life and you still would have farther to go. There is no end to the spiritual depth here. So go ahead, make this your mission. After all, without love, everything else is just a waste of time.