1 Corinthians 14:1-25

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Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 14:1-25 before reading the devotional below.

How often do you ask God to give you an ability to prophesy? Most of us probably don’t think about that much, and some may not even know what that means. Paul is talking about those supernatural skills and abilities he referred to earlier. Prophecy isn’t telling the future; God’s prophets are those who deliver messages from him. When this is truly from the Holy Spirit, the message will be accurate and transformative.

Paul also talks about “speaking in tongues.” This means having a prayer language that is supernatural. When the Holy Spirit gives you this gift, you pray aloud in a non-earthly language and the Spirit can pray through you without a filter. Praying this way helps your own faith, and it might help those who don’t yet follow Jesus to believe in his power. They see a supernatural act that is miraculous. However, prophecy is something that followers of Jesus will recognize and understand more than non-believers.

Here’s your freedom for today:

God’s tools are for specific purposes.

I would encourage you today, as Paul did, to pray for gifts of prophecy and tongues. Ask the Holy Spirit to use you to build up the church. Ask the Holy Spirit to enhance your prayer life. But also ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and discernment to know how and when to use your gifts. God gives us tools for specific places and people. When we are careless or attempt these supernatural acts on our own, we harm the work of the Spirit and we harm others. I have seen many people speak words of “prophecy” that were either completely incorrect or spoken at a wrong moment. These gifts are meant to be used in a context of authority and order, as we will see in tomorrow’s post. Today, let us seek these gifts and seek a careful understanding of how to use them well.