1 Corinthians 2:1-8

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Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 2:1-8 before reading the devotional below.

It’s not much of a marketing strategy, but Paul’s big teaching plan was two-fold: boring or supernaturally deep. It is fascinating that Paul does not want the believers to listen to him because he can make a convincing argument. He doesn’t want the mature believers to be impressed because he makes a ton of sense. God can stand on his own, and you either want Jesus or you don’t.

Paul says something interesting in today’s passage. He says that he came to the Corinthians in weakness, simply asking the Holy Spirit to work. When he was finished preaching, he wanted the church to say, “Well, that guy’s not much, but Jesus… Wow!!” The Gospel doesn’t need fancy bells and whistles. How different from so many of our church strategies today.

Here’s your freedom for today:

You don’t have to try so hard.

Whether you are a preacher trying to get the message of the Gospel across, or you are just trying to live a Christian life in the best way you know how, supernatural power is the only thing that will get supernatural results. Sure, lots of people will fawn over an impressive argument or a trendy leader. But is that really eternal attention? Or does it fade when the next new thing comes along? Superficial is the best we can do in our strength; supernatural is only possible with the Holy Spirit. Where do you need supernatural power today? What can you do to choose weakness so that the Holy Spirit can accomplish the work?