Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 before reading the devotional below.
Today’s passage is one of my favorites. There is so much power in the connection between the Old Testament and the good news of Jesus. Paul quotes Isaiah 64:4, pointing out the awesome and incomprehensible nature of God. We can’t imagine his plans or understand all that he is doing for us. And yet…
When Jesus returned to heaven from earth, he promised to send his Holy Spirit. This Spirit of God is the deepest inner workings of God’s mind and heart — he knows all the secrets. If you are starting to think all that sounds a little weird, good! Paul’s not trying to make a logical or scientific argument here. He’s trying to explore a supernatural mystery. He quotes Isaiah again, this time chapter 40, verse 13. He’s asking, “Who could possibly understand God’s thoughts?”
Here’s your freedom for today:
You have the mind of Jesus.
Paul connects the Holy Spirit, given to us by Jesus to help us and to guarantee our salvation, to the deepest intricacies of God’s mind. Our minds are too small and finite to grasp God’s thoughts. It’s impossible for us to do in our own understanding. The statement, “We have the mind of Christ,” is such a powerful one. Supernaturally the Holy Spirit will show us what God is thinking. He gives us knowledge we have no way of getting any other way. It’s why Jesus could take a bunch of low-life fishermen and other undesirables and turn them into powerful preachers and church leaders. Your earthly mind does not determine how God can use you or what he can show you. Seek truth, read his word, and he will show you a great many mysteries.