1 Corinthians 7:12-19

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Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 7:12-19 before reading the devotional below.

Yesterday Paul focused his writing mainly on those who were already married or who were struggling with how to manage sexual integrity. Today Paul speaks to “the rest” of the church, offering his own wisdom on how to lead and guide others. It is interesting that Paul includes the caveat, “I do not have a direct command from the Lord.” Because we know that everything in Scripture is God-inspired, we need to keep in mind that God chose to show us the way Paul applied the wisdom he was given.

The overall point, though again not a command, is that those who become Christians after they are already married should not use their Christianity as a reason for divorce. Following Jesus doesn’t mean you abandon your commitments. You can make a difference right where you are. If your spouse leaves you because of your faith, then giving them freedom to go is spiritually appropriate. And if your custom prior to following Jesus did not include circumcision (or if it did), don’t worry about it now. Rituals aren’t what it means to follow Jesus.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Following Jesus is about your heart.

Paul’s wisdom is helpful here because what he is describing is the opposite of a cult. Most cults encourage you to cut off contact with your family or friends. They demand rituals as a sign of your faithfulness to the cult. Paul helps us see that following Jesus is not that. Yes, he encourages it to take over your whole life. Give your all to Jesus. But stay in your life and don’t do a bunch of crazy rituals to prove your devotion. Following Jesus is about your heart. You can follow Jesus with an unbelieving spouse, and you can follow Jesus whether or not you were raised a Jew. There is freedom to live your specific life as a Christian, and you can obey God regardless of your circumstances.