2 Corinthians 6:14-18

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Take a moment to read 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 before reading the devotional below.

Following Jesus is a major commitment, and the Bible never pretends it’s anything less. When you are teamed up with God, then suddenly it matters who you are paired up with on earth. If someone is not following Jesus, you can’t truly partner with them. You’ll be headed in different directions because you are on a supernatural journey.

Recall that Paul has been discussing some impostors who have seemed to win some of the Corinthians over. They are taking a side that doesn’t seem to be God’s side. Because God is perfect and holy, he is set apart from everything else. He is unique and above all things. When we follow Jesus, he wants to separate us, too. We become his sacred dwelling place.

Here’s your freedom for today:

God has set you apart for greatness.

In this passage, Paul quotes several passages from various parts of the Old Testament. (Click on the small letters after each verse to see the cross references.) He’s reminding the Corinthians that they are sons and daughters of God. They are God’s special people, even though historically that designation was only for Jews. Corinth is in Greece, and most of the Corinthians in the church were Gentiles (non-Jewish). Paul is helping them — and us — understand a new identity. Who are you teamed up with in life? In what ways could your life be set apart?