2 Corinthians 8:16-24

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Take a moment to read 2 Corinthians 8:16-24 before reading the devotional below.

Integrity matters. And it’s sadly not something we see a lot of in American society. As we discussed yesterday, Paul was asking the Corinthian church to give to their neighbors in the north, Macedonia, as they were going through a tough time financially. This gift wasn’t directly given, because that’s not how the church operated. Paul was sending Titus and another leader to come take the monetary gift from the Corinthians and bring it to Jerusalem. From there, it could be distributed to the poor in Macedonia and possibly elsewhere.

In an age without online giving and groups like the American Red Cross, money had to be physically carried from one place to another. As you can imagine, it’s important to be able to trust the couriers. Paul has spent this whole letter trying to make sure the Corinthians believe in his integrity, and now he’s asking them to trust Titus and another unnamed missionary. A lot is on the line.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Freedom is found in partnership.

Paul isn’t trying to do everything himself. He cannot be everywhere, especially when travel was as slow and challenging as it was back then. And he doesn’t send Titus alone to handle a financial gift. He sends two, which you find a frequent occurrence in the Bible. We aren’t meant to do the Christian life alone, and we aren’t meant to do ministry alone either. Our integrity remains intact with help, oversight, and accountability. Too many pastors and leaders put the whole world on their own shoulders and never ask for help. This is not the biblical model. What have you been doing for God’s kingdom lately? Who is partnering with you?