Take a moment to read Colossians 3:12-15 before reading the devotional below.
In yesterday’s post, we talked about getting some new clothes — fine linens instead of tattered rags. But how do we do that? Where do we get these fancy new things? In verse 12 we find the answer: mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and love. Let’s examine these before you go setting round 2 of New Year’s resolutions that are bound to fail. “Try harder” is not going to be the way we put on these new clothes.
We always have to start by receiving before we have anything to give. What does it mean for you to embrace God’s mercy, kindness, and love towards you? How can you experience God’s gentleness and patience when you are struggling or you make mistakes? When we simply sit in the presence of God, he changes us. Often we default to self-help because that is what our culture says we need. But what we need is God-help, and it involves a lot more sitting than we tend to prefer.
Here’s your freedom for today: the Holy Spirit will fill you when you hold still. Take your spiritual to-do list and throw it away. Get a blank piece of paper instead and keep it in your Bible or posted somewhere to remind yourself that you are no longer striving. Imagine what the Church might be like if we all spent a whole lot more time just sitting in God’s presence. It is only out of that place that we can offer mercy, kindness, and love to the rest of the world. Be filled before you pour and you’ll find you never run out.