Take a moment to read Colossians 3:16-17 before reading the devotional below.
Sometimes I love the specific words chosen to be spoken through the Bible. It is unlike any other book, and it has a literary beauty that can be appreciated on natural and supernatural levels. In verse 16, the words “in all its richness” stir my soul. Paul could have just written, “Let the message of Christ fill your lives.” Instead, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul added that phrase “in all its richness,” giving it the power to soak more deeply into our hearts. Pause right now and just sit with the richness of the Gospel before you rush about your day.
This rich, supernatural power and blessing is not just for us to keep to ourselves. After we soak it in like a sponge, we next allow God to wring us out over the lives of others so that the Spirit pours into them as well. We can teach, offer counsel, lead in worship, and demonstrate gratitude to bless and encourage each other. And when God has squeezed our sponge-hearts, we must sit and soak again to refill.
Here’s your freedom for today: everything you ever need to give flows directly from the Holy Spirit. There is not one single thing you need to offer the world all by yourself. If you are feeling spent or depleted or dry, then you are in a soaking season. It is okay to stop giving for a time in order to refill. Verse 17 says that everything we do or say comes from the position of “representative of Christ.” We cannot do that well if we do not sit with him long enough to know his heart. We are the spokespeople of Jesus’ message. If you want to operate in that position, be sure you have a solid handle on his talking points and action steps.