I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.
Several years ago, I went on a retreat with a group of friends. We stayed in little cabin on a lake, and we spent time fishing and hiking and playing laser tag. All of them were followers of Jesus, and it was an election year, so eventually politics came up. I was amazed at the variety of opinions. “Good Christians always vote Republican,” said one guy. “No,” said another, “they always vote democrat!” Another claimed Christians shouldn’t align with any of the political parties, and a fourth said that Christians shouldn’t even bother to vote.
In these verses, Paul has finished setting the scene for Timothy. The introduction to the letter is over, and now the directions begin. What is fascinating is that the first direction involves how Christians should engage with the political world around them. Christianity for Paul was a very public thing. So was prayer. So praying should start where it can have the most impact, and where is that? With those who have the most influence. Political leaders – whether the kings of Paul’s day or the presidents of our own – are people of great influence. They can make the world in which we live chaotic or peaceful. As a follower of Jesus, you can actually help determine whether their leadership directs the world towards chaos or peace.
Here’s your freedom for today: your prayers can influence powerful people to do peaceful things. The kings of Paul’s day were self-centered, sinful, at times insane men. Yet Paul commands that believer’s pray for them. Why? Because only God can change the heart of a ruler. Only God can transform the inner life of a leader so that he or she leads with Godly principles. What might cause God to act in the heart and life of that leader? Paul is gives a very simple answer: your prayers. So if you want peace in the world, pray for your political leaders – presidents, senators, governors, mayors and judges. Your prayers may actually change the future of the entire world.