Deuteronomy 27

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Deuteronomy 27 before reading the devotional below.

When we first got married, we bought all the furniture for our house at a flea market.  We bought dressers, nightstands, a couch, a love seat, even our mattress all for $425.  Some of that furniture only lasted a year or two – like the used mattress. Other furniture, like the dressers, were still in use even a year ago.  I resisted getting rid of the very last dresser for a long time. Why? Because it had become a symbol. It was a symbol of where we’d come from – we had no money when we got married, and we were still deeply content.  It was also a symbol of God’s provision – even when we had no money, God had made sure we had whatever we needed.

In Deuteronomy 27, God teaches his people to institute symbols much like that dresser.  The Israelites had experienced God’s miraculous provision in ways that were shocking, life-changing and unimaginable.  Some people might think that makes God’s miracles unforgettable, but God knows the truth. The truth is that human memory always fades.  Initial excitement can cool. Moments of awe fade. Memory dims. Experiences that may once have seemed compelling may seem more ambiguous with time.  Such is human nature. So God offers a solution: create monuments and develop ceremonies. The Israelites are told to gather a set of stones and to put them on a mountain for all to see.  In a world of deserts and valleys, that far off monument will attest to the truths that Israelite history records: God is faithful and he is the one, true provider. Obedience is the safest path.

What did you once know for sure about God? What had you seen him do in your life?  What truths of the Bible seemed crystal clear? Create reminders for yourself about those things.  It may be that you write in a journal. Or you might create a decorative reminder in your apartment.  It might be that you get a tattoo or set aside a specific day each year to remind yourself of God’s faithfulness.  What matters is this: God has been faithful to you, and he will be faithful again. Rather than getting distracted by any momentary experiences that might lead to doubt, how can you refocus yourself on his incredible faithfulness?