1 Corinthians 1:10-17

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Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 before reading the devotional below.

One of the biggest challenges within the American church is the lack of unity. We have an array of denominations and sections — Baptist, Assemblies of God, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Catholic — just to name a few. Ever since the Protestant Reformation, there have been divides in the church. Yet as we read today’s passage, we see that division in the church was around long before Martin Luther hung his 95 Theses. This is not an American problem or a Protestant problem or a Catholic problem, this is a human problem.

Before Jesus came to earth, God’s people (the Jewish nation of Israel) was divided. It had been divided into twelve tribes, and later into two nations. Much of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East today traces all the way back even farther to Abraham’s family (Isaac versus Ishmael, Sarah versus Hagar). In this letter, Paul challenges the church to be clear on who they are following: Jesus. One focus of our salvation. The embodiment of the one true God. If you are a Christian, you follow Jesus and you watch out for divisions past that.

Here’s your freedom for today:

you don’t have to focus on anyone but Jesus.

If you feel pulled in a lot of directions, you’re not alone. We see advertisements every day telling us not just to buy an item, but to identify with a brand. The church often feels the same way — where we go or who we listen to becomes the thing we preach. We spend so much time trying to argue about who’s “right” that we end up all wrong. Jesus. Period. End of story. If we are following him, then we are brothers and sisters. We might pray differently and worship differently and baptize differently and take communion differently, but we follow Jesus. What is one way you could become more single minded and let go of divisions or arguments?