1 Corinthians 6:1-11

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Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 before reading the devotional below.

Do you know who you really are? As a follower of Jesus, that is a complex answer. You are a child of God, an heir and ruler in his kingdom. If you have seen or read The Chronicles of Narnia, think sons of Adam and daughters of Eve. You are a prince or princess meant for a greater purpose. In today’s passage, Paul challenges the Corinthian believers to live our their true identity. And it requires extra grace.

Lawsuits are never fun, but when two Christians are unable to resolve an argument it signals a serious spiritual problem. And the problem is not only between the two believers involved — rather it is a systemic problem with the trustworthiness and safety of the church. I can think of plenty of situations that need to be handled by outside courts for a whole lot of reasons. In fact, some “keep it in-house” thinking has created serious abuse scandals and cover-ups in the church. Rather than being a place of fairness and Christlikeness, “in-house” structures are generally present to protect those in power. That’s not the church.

Here’s your freedom for today:

You can make a difference.

I can’t change the impurities in the church. You can’t change them. But if each of us seeks to set aside our pride and our desires and live like Jesus, we might make a splash of difference. All of us together through the work of the Holy Spirit adds up to systemic change. Jesus protects the oppressed. If we all did that, we could handle a lot of things a whole lot better. Jesus didn’t let people get away with unfair, one-sided punishments (think the women caught in adultery — takes two for that crime…). I believe that Jesus is the answer and hope of the world, and I believe that the church can heal. We aren’t who we used to be: idolaters, prostitutes, promiscuous people, drunks, thieves, greedy people, or abusers. We used to be, but in Jesus we have a new identity. We have the freedom to be more — sons and daughters ruling God’s kingdom alongside Jesus! How could you step into your true identity today?