1 Corinthians 7:29-40

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Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 7:29-40 before reading the devotional below.

The realities of the spiritual realm impact our earthly lives. Yes, we have day-to-day responsibilities and we do need to attend to them. But that is not all there is. If you need to take care of your family, if you experience stress or loss, or if something awesome happens to you, it can’t own you. As a follower of Jesus, you maintain an awareness of the spiritual realm.

While not a rule or restriction, Paul reminds us that those who are single are able to maintain a better focus on spiritual work. If you have fewer obligations, you can more quickly say yes to anything God calls you towards. Paul acknowledges that sometimes our earthly passions are too much to handle as a single person, and there is nothing wrong with getting married. But if you can handle a mission-focused life, it is worth doing.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Freedom is found when we aren’t tied down.

An American way of life is all about “stuff.” American Christians also place a very high value on marriage, which has its strengths and weaknesses. Rarely have I heard a sermon preached to a youth group that encouraged them to deeply consider a life of singleness. Far more attention is on how to progress through American milestones well — be a good steward, find a nice Christian to marry, be fruitful and multiply, buy a house (with all that money you saved while being a good steward). These things are not bad or wrong, but we overemphasize them. The less you have tying you down, the more ready you are to go wherever God calls you. What’s tying you down today? What could you remove from your life (debts, obligations outside of marriage/family, etc.) that would make you more able to focus on ministry and spiritual work?