1 Corinthians 10:14-33

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Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 10:14-33 before reading the devotional below.

Today we return to the debate over eating food sacrificed to idols. If we were reading this as a letter all in one sitting (as the original audience was), we would realize we never left that topic. Paul’s message is clear: don’t take up a minor cause and cost someone their salvation. What’s SO important to you probably is flexible or debatable, so maybe we need to put people’s salvation ahead of issue debates.

Paul reminds us that even taking communion is a reminder of our unity. We are one body, uniting with Jesus’ body as we remember his death on the cross. Paul writes in verse 24, “Don’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others.” That verse may be misused to imply that we should not take care of ourselves or do what is healthy for us. Here in context we see that Paul is saying, “Don’t put your opinions ahead of someone else’s spiritual life.”

Here’s your freedom for today:

Your freedom will bring others freedom too.

I’ve said it already in this series: your spiritual life is not all about you. It is about Jesus, and it is about those on the journey with you. When you are truly free, it will not cost others their freedom. When we focus on ourselves, we are doing it wrong when it comes out as selfish or prideful. Do everything you do for God’s glory, and watch out who you offend. Jesus liked to offend the highly religious folks, and Paul reminds us here that we need to embrace both Jews and Gentiles. Don’t harm the Gospel by digging in on side issues.