2 Corinthians 11:1-15

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Take a moment to read 2 Corinthians 11:1-15 before reading the devotional below.

How do you decide who to listen to? How do evaluate what is true? Who have you determined is trustworthy? These are questions facing the Corinthian church as they have Paul who has preached one thing and “false apostles” who are preaching something else. It is unclear exactly what they are falsely preaching, but from other parts of the New Testament we might guess that their message was Jesus + rituals = salvation.

Paul has made it clear throughout this letter that he is not fighting for his own popularity. He is calling them out and holding them to the true message of Jesus: your sins are forgiven. Everyone is welcome at Jesus’ table. Being Jewish doesn’t save you. Religious rituals don’t save you. It’s Jesus and nothing else.

Here’s your freedom for today:

You can trust those who continue to serve.

People who are looking for power, fame, or money end up showing their true colors in the end. They don’t stick around if you don’t give them what they want. Those who are trustworthy are those who willingly serve you even when they get nothing in return. Paul is making a commitment to the Corinthians that he will continue to serve them, despite bad treatment. He sees that the spiritual battle is not about him. He’s staying in the ring to fight for the truth and the well-being of the Corinthian church. Who do you know that is worth listening to today? Who has shown a willingness to stick with you no matter what?