Ezekiel 28:17 – “Your heart was filled with pride because of all your beauty. Your wisdom was corrupted by your love of splendor. So I threw you to the ground and exposed you to the curious gaze of kings.”
In the 90’s we used to say, “You’re not all that.” God, who had a message in yesterday’s chapter for the people of Tyre, is now coming for their king. He thinks he’s “all that,” but he isn’t. Kings used to claim god-like status, and God is prepared to demonstrate that he alone is God.
I found verse 17 to be challenging. I continue to see parallels between the things happening in these enemy-states and modern American culture. As a people, we are proud in ways that alienate us from God. We are corrupted by our love of splendor. We think we’re “all that.” What will it take to get our hearts to turn completely over to God? Will we have to hit a collective rock bottom, or could we see the error of our ways before we have to experience that?
Here’s your freedom for today:
You can become a positive leader.
The king of Tyre gets a special message from God because he was at the top. He had power and thought that power was divine. It is amazing how the impact of one person can guide a whole nation, for good or for evil. Don’t underestimate the power you can have to shift a culture or change a nation. When the Holy Spirit calls and equips you, you can have a global reach. I doubt even Paul could imagine how significantly his letters from prison would impact the entire world. Become an influence and help others see the love and power of God.