Genesis 2

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 2 before reading the devotional below.

Do you ever feel like this world isn’t what it’s supposed to be? Do you feel like you were made for something more? Genesis 2 helps us see God’s original vision for our home: a perfect place filled with the richest of resources and a sense of purpose. This chapter in the Bible is perhaps more critical to the Gospel story than you might realize. Without it, we cannot understand how God intended us to be.

Verses 4-8 give us a sense that there was time passing during creation, as opposed to God’s creative work being over in a literal week. Plants weren’t growing yet, and there were no people to cultivate the land. If you are reading this as a science or history book, you’ll be confused by this point. Genesis 1 describes God’s creation of humans, and then Genesis 2 does it again. Let’s remember that this book paints a broader picture of why we are here and who God is.

Here’s your freedom for today:

God has more for you than what you can see right now.

God’s heart for people is evident from the start. He wanted us to have everything we needed, not just to survive but to thrive. He created the world with us in mind, and gave us a meaningful role in managing the rest of creation. He gave us each other for companionship and help. He gave us limits that would protect us from harm. He gave us freedom to act, which as we will see tomorrow was the riskiest gift of all.