Genesis 15

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 15 before reading the devotional below.

God’s promises keep coming as he continues to tell Abram that he will protect his family and reward Abram with greatness. There’s a critical sentence in verse 6: “And Abram believed the Lord…” God is still reassuring him that a great nation will come from his descendants, yet Abram still has no children. He doesn’t see how it’s all possible, but yet he believes God’s promises.

Then God shows up in a symbol and a dream, revealing that his plans are well-thought out. He’s making chess moves 400 years into the future, and it’s really too much for Abram to comprehend. His relationship with God is such that he is leaning into God’s promises rather than running away. He is choosing to trust.

Here’s your freedom for today:

God doesn’t just see the big picture, he sees the whole picture.

God makes the impossible possible because he’s not limited by the things that limit you. He’s playing things out today for 400 years from now, or for 1,000 years after that. Our tunnel-vision and our focus on ourselves causes us to fear and doubt, but God knows exactly what he is doing. If you don’t see how it’s all going to work, God does. Trust him.