Genesis 35

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 35 before reading the devotional below.

God is leading Jacob directly, telling him to move to a new place. Jacob wants to rid his family of all false idols and gods because he’s feeling pretty relieved at the way God answered his prayers when he returned to Esau. He settles in Bethel (also called Luz) in the region of Canaan, which is the land God promised to Abraham. This Promised Land will have to be fought for again several generations later after the Israelites are enslaved in Egypt. We’ll get to that part of the story as we keep reading. In this chapter we see that God renames Jacob, “Israel.”

In today’s chapter there are a lot of monuments and altars built. Jacob creates an altar to God, erects a stone pillar to mark the spot where God changed his name, and builds several burial sites. Often in the Bible the Israelites set up markers or stones to memorialize an event. They particularly want to remember what God has done, and many of these stories include the detail, “It can be seen there to this day.” These first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) are known as the Torah, and they contain very important historical information about the Jewish people. These stories, inspired by God to be written as they are, were verifiable with stone memorials around the region demonstrating the tangile realities of what God had done.

Here’s your freedom for today:

God’s blessings are worth memorializing.

I don’t know about you, but I tend to keep my memories written down in journals. I also remember dates and often think of important things that happened on specific dates in my life. I have at times kept a record of prayers I have prayed and a record of fulfillments of those prayers. When God moves in my life, I don’t want to forget it! I know my memory may gradually fade, but I want the stories of God’s work in my life to last. I want my children and grandchildren to hear the stories and even see them written down so that they know God was faithful to me. What ways might you memorialize God’s work in your life?