Genesis 45

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 45 before reading the devotional below.

It’s time for the big reveal of Joseph’s identity, and Jacob is about to be in for the shock of his life. After the emotional tension grows too high, Joseph finally breaks down in tears and tells his brothers the truth. It’s an emotional reunion and after the news is broken, Pharaoh rolls out the red carpet for Joseph’s entire extended family to move to Egypt. Jacob has to hear the story twice and see the fancy movers pull up before he believes his ears.

What is amazing to me about this story is the way Joseph tells it. First, he tells his brothers not to be angry with themselves for selling him into slavery. He describes it as all part of God’s big plan to position Joseph and provide for the family during the years of famine. He tells his story of challenge and hardship not out of a place of despair but out of excitement!

Here’s your freedom for today:

Your outlook determines your freedom.

The Bible and modern psychology overlap in many areas, including the idea that a hopeful, grateful, or positive outlook improves mood. Joseph has shown himself to be an emotional guy, yet he’s kept his spirits up throughout a whole lot of pain. How did he do it? He had a perspective that included the bigger picture of how God was at work. Certainly, a hopeful outlook does not mean you will never experience depression, anxiety, grief, or other emotional struggles. However, some of the best treatments for these illnesses include shifting your perspective on what you are going through. Is there a situation in your life right in which you can shift your outlook? If you aren’t sure how to do that, start by writing down three things you are grateful for every day. The Bible and science agree it will help!