Genesis 48

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 48 before reading the devotional below.

Jacob has another blessing moment in today’s chapter as he interacts with Joseph’s two sons. Recall that Jacob was a twin, and when he was born he was hanging on to his brother’s heel. That was surely a sign of things to come, as Jacob always seemed jealous of the rights of the firstborn son. It makes sense — that’s an especially unfair rule if you are a twin and were born mere seconds after the firstborn. Jacob weaseled his brother into giving him the birthright, tricked their father into giving him the better blessing, and wrestled God to demand a divine blessing of eternal proportions.

Perhaps because of this history, when Jacob blesses Joseph’s two sons, he crosses his arms so that his right hand is on the head of the younger boy and his left hand is on the head of the older boy. Joseph tries to correct him (because the right hand would symbolize greater power and privilege), but Jacob says it’s no mistake. The good news is that both of the boys get a great blessing, and Jacob prophesies that their names will become synonymous with prosperity. Ultimately, Joseph is the recipient of a double blessing because when the land is divided his sons will each get a portion, giving him twice as much of an inheritance as his brothers.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Satan is not strong enough to block God’s favor.

Joseph was favored from birth because his father loved Rachel. Ultimately, this favor was from God. Jealousy, betrayal, accusation, prison, abandonment, and famine could not stop the favor in Joseph’s life. When Jacob received and later gave blessings, they were spiritual experiences because they were communicating the favor of God. These were not just well wishes, these were declarations of God’s plans. Joseph’s life is a great reminder that Satan may try to harm you, but he cannot block God’s favor on your life. God’s doing what he’s doing with you, and if you stay faithful to God’s ways then his favor will come to pass.