Hebrews 11:24-40

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Take a moment to read Hebrews 11:24-40 before reading the devotional below.

We finish this chapter on the greats of Jewish history with mention of Moses, the crumbling of the walls of Jericho, Rahab, and many others. I would encourage you to read the book of Exodus to get a sense of these stories (you can search by category on the right side of the screen to read my Exodus devotional series).

Verses 32-40 specifically describe the supernatural and heroic acts that have been prevalent throughout Israel’s history. Yet all of these heroes of the faith did not get to see all the promises of God fulfilled in their lifetimes. They did everything God asked, and gained great reputations, but they did not get to experience all that God had in store for them. Verse 40 says, “For God had something better in mind for us…”

God has something perfect in mind: a full restoration of his original design in the Garden of Eden. Jesus came, fully God and fully man, in order to establish a new covenant and fulfill all the purposes of the old covenant. God didn’t stop there. We look forward to his promises yet to be fulfilled, when Jesus returns and establishes a new heaven and a new earth. If you have felt that God has left you hanging and worry that he’s not going to fulfill his promises to you, just wait. The best is yet to come.