Acts 8:4-25

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Take a moment to read Acts 8:4-25 before reading the devotional below.

Spreading the Gospel means traveling, and here we read about Philip’s trip into Samaria. Remember that when Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan, the religious elites were highly offended because they looked bad while the Samaritan was praised (and they pretty much hated Samaritans as a bunch of no-good low-lifes…). But we already know that the outcasts and low-lifes loved Jesus’ message because it made a place for them with God. So it’s no surprise that the people of Samaria were drawn in to Philip’s preaching and miraculous works.

We get an interesting look at the spiritual scene in Samaria here in Acts 8, and I am reminded of the fact that there are a lot of spiritual forces at play in our world. Demons, sorcerers and magicians are real — connected with actual spiritual power to destroy. And the power of the Holy Spirit is no magic trick. Peter​ makes this quite clear when Simon the Sorcerer asks to buy the secret.

The Holy Spirit cannot be bought and he is not just for show. God is actively working through his Spirit to redeem and restore humanity and the world. His kingdom is expanding and he’s giving anyone who’s interested a share in the family business. For free. Can’t be bought. Can’t be earned. Can’t be manipulated to bring you glory or fame. The depths of the Holy Spirit are infinite, so we know there is always more of his power available to us if we seek it for his purposes. How can you dive deeper into the Spirit today as you carry out the mission set before you?