Psalm 91:16

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I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”

We finish Psalm 91 with the promise of rewards: long life and salvation. Whenever we hear the phrase “long life,” we usually think of being 100 years old and peacefully dying in our sleep. But that word “salvation” is interesting showing up in the same sentence as “long life.” Perhaps we need to rethink our old-age imagery and dream bigger.

Christians talk a lot about eternal life, but often this is more like a destination than a continuation. “Do you know where you would go if you died tonight??” is the classic pressure-filled evangelistic question. But what if we really think about what it means to have a long life? So long you might even call it eternal. How might you plan differently for your life now if you had eternity in mind?

Here’s your freedom for today: you were meant to live. I mean really live. Death was never part of the design of God’s world. When you accept the rescuing love of Jesus, you immediately return to the reality that you were meant to have — your life becomes eternal. Funny how everyone has been searching for the fountain of youth or the key to eternal life, almost as if we have a deep yearning for the way things were meant to be. And here Jesus is handing it out for free. But don’t wait until you die to start really living in God’s kingdom. Dwell there now, walking in a victory that is truly supernatural. Enjoy the scenery, you’ve got all the time in this world and the next…