Exodus 20

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Exodus 20 before reading the devotional below.

Quick, no peeking, what were God’s top 10 laws of all time?? Oh, sorry, too slow… Guess you’ll need to take time to read Exodus 20 to refresh your memory (or learn the answer for the first time). When we read the Bible, it is always helpful to ask, “What is God trying to tell us about himself?” So let’s ask that question as we take a look at his laws for his people.

The first thing I notice is that God wants to protect his people. He wants them to remember what is true and not be deceived by lies. He is the God who can save them. No one else can. He’s establishing laws to try to help them remember that. Lies and deception is what started this whole sin problem back in the Garden of Eden. He also wants to protect his people from harm. His laws reflect the way of living that will keep them safest. He ends with an extra reminder not to build any altars to any false gods. As we will see, they forget this one over and over again and it makes their journey into all that God has promised take so much longer.

Here’s your freedom for today: God desires a great life for you. Some people see the Bible as a bunch of outdated rules to follow. And I get it — if you are not trying to understand the heart of God then you do miss the whole point. God wants you to worship him because no one and nothing else will ever get you anywhere. He’s it. God is the only one who can get you out of this sin-mess of a world. When you follow God’s ways, your life will be more free from all the garbage getting thrown at you every day. None of us can fully escape just yet, but the closer we are to God’s presence the closer we are to our best possible life. What is God dreaming up for you that you need to stay close to him to see?