Take a moment to read Revelation 19:1-10 before reading the devotional below.
As we near the end of the book of Revelation, we will begin to see more about who God is, what has motivated him to bring judgment to the world, and what his final victory will look like. In today’s passage we see a celebration of God’s defeat of Babylon, the personified city of evil. It’s interesting that in verse 2 it says, “He has avenged the murder of his servants.” God is seeking to reclaim what has been taken from him. Once again, he’s on the side of his creation and is angry at what evil has done to his world.
Next in the celebration is the preparation for the great wedding of the Lamb. The bride, which symbolizes the church throughout the Bible, has been clothed in white. The passage tells us that the good deeds of God’s holy people are the stunning wedding dress. Those who are invited to this long-awaited wedding are called “blessed.” We know from Jesus’ teachings (using weddings as parables) that those who were initially invited chose not to come, but those who were society’s outcasts ended up taking their place. Also note in verse 10 that when John attempts to worship the angel he is corrected, and again we see Jesus’ divine nature proclaimed as those who have faith in Jesus must worship only God.

If you are a follower of Jesus, you are part of this bride of Christ. What you do becomes the adornment for the wedding day. Think of yourself as a fashion designer — what bits of beauty do you want to bring to the bride’s glorious dress? What bits of lace or sparkle will your good deeds add?