1 Corinthians 6:1-11

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 before reading the devotional below.

Do you know who you really are? As a follower of Jesus, that is a complex answer. You are a child of God, an heir and ruler in his kingdom. If you have seen or read The Chronicles of Narnia, think sons of Adam and daughters of Eve. You are a prince or princess meant for a greater purpose. In today’s passage, Paul challenges the Corinthian believers to live our their true identity. And it requires extra grace.

Lawsuits are never fun, but when two Christians are unable to resolve an argument it signals a serious spiritual problem. And the problem is not only between the two believers involved — rather it is a systemic problem with the trustworthiness and safety of the church. I can think of plenty of situations that need to be handled by outside courts for a whole lot of reasons. In fact, some “keep it in-house” thinking has created serious abuse scandals and cover-ups in the church. Rather than being a place of fairness and Christlikeness, “in-house” structures are generally present to protect those in power. That’s not the church.

Here’s your freedom for today:

You can make a difference.

I can’t change the impurities in the church. You can’t change them. But if each of us seeks to set aside our pride and our desires and live like Jesus, we might make a splash of difference. All of us together through the work of the Holy Spirit adds up to systemic change. Jesus protects the oppressed. If we all did that, we could handle a lot of things a whole lot better. Jesus didn’t let people get away with unfair, one-sided punishments (think the women caught in adultery — takes two for that crime…). I believe that Jesus is the answer and hope of the world, and I believe that the church can heal. We aren’t who we used to be: idolaters, prostitutes, promiscuous people, drunks, thieves, greedy people, or abusers. We used to be, but in Jesus we have a new identity. We have the freedom to be more — sons and daughters ruling God’s kingdom alongside Jesus! How could you step into your true identity today?

1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 before reading the devotional below.

Sex is a complicated topic for so many reasons. Today’s passage offers one of the more challenging ideas in the Bible: just because something is technically “allowed” doesn’t make it good for you. We are constantly on the look out for loop-holes to justify our actions. There is a lot more grey than black-and-white when it comes to how we manage our bodies. Paul is reminding us that loop-hole thinking isn’t freedom, and it’s not what following Jesus is all about.

When we make a decision to give our lives to Jesus, we give him everything, including our bodies. The Holy Spirit is given to us to live inside us — our bodies are his home. We care for ourselves not only because it brings freedom to our lives, but also because we want to reflect the Holy Spirit. The light that lives in you can shine through based on what you do with your body.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Your body was designed to be honored.

Unfortunately, there are many things in this world that dishonor our bodies. Sometimes other people dishonor us through abuse, neglect, or other types of physical harm. Sometimes we dishonor ourselves by engaging in behavior that harms us. You were created for much more than that. Jesus offers you freedom, dignity, and honor. No matter what has happened in your past, he invites you to live in honor today.

1 Corinthians 7:1-11

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 7:1-11 before reading the devotional below.

Yesterday Paul gave instructions about how we can live in freedom with our bodies as followers of Jesus. Today, he gives some practical thoughts on how to succeed in doing that. If you want to avoid sexual immorality, then having a committed sexual partner in a husband or wife is a way to do that. Singleness (and abstinence) is even better, but most people would have a hard time maintaining a celibate lifestyle. Paul had found a calling in that, but he certainly acknowledges that not everyone can reign in their sexual desires.

If you are married, you shouldn’t aspire to singleness. Paul is not trying to glamorize that option as spiritually better. However, if for some reason the marriage doesn’t last, then singleness would be a spiritually wise choice to allow for the possibility of reconciliation.

Here’s your freedom for today:

You are free to live a different kind of life.

Some may read today’s passage and think of it as antiquated or strange. While I do not think it is meant for only an ancient-times audience, it certainly is strange. The world does not operate with these rules today. The important thing to remember is that the Corinthians’ world didn’t operate this way either. Paul wouldn’t have had to write about how to manage sexuality if the Corinthians already had models for that. Being a follower of Jesus meant living a different kind of life — for the Corinthians and for us today. We do not have to be slaves to our bodies. We can choose to live on purpose, including sexually. There is spiritual freedom when we are intentional with how we use our bodies and what lifestyle we choose to live.

1 Corinthians 7:12-19

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 7:12-19 before reading the devotional below.

Yesterday Paul focused his writing mainly on those who were already married or who were struggling with how to manage sexual integrity. Today Paul speaks to “the rest” of the church, offering his own wisdom on how to lead and guide others. It is interesting that Paul includes the caveat, “I do not have a direct command from the Lord.” Because we know that everything in Scripture is God-inspired, we need to keep in mind that God chose to show us the way Paul applied the wisdom he was given.

The overall point, though again not a command, is that those who become Christians after they are already married should not use their Christianity as a reason for divorce. Following Jesus doesn’t mean you abandon your commitments. You can make a difference right where you are. If your spouse leaves you because of your faith, then giving them freedom to go is spiritually appropriate. And if your custom prior to following Jesus did not include circumcision (or if it did), don’t worry about it now. Rituals aren’t what it means to follow Jesus.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Following Jesus is about your heart.

Paul’s wisdom is helpful here because what he is describing is the opposite of a cult. Most cults encourage you to cut off contact with your family or friends. They demand rituals as a sign of your faithfulness to the cult. Paul helps us see that following Jesus is not that. Yes, he encourages it to take over your whole life. Give your all to Jesus. But stay in your life and don’t do a bunch of crazy rituals to prove your devotion. Following Jesus is about your heart. You can follow Jesus with an unbelieving spouse, and you can follow Jesus whether or not you were raised a Jew. There is freedom to live your specific life as a Christian, and you can obey God regardless of your circumstances.

1 Corinthians 7:20-28

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 7:20-28 before reading the devotional below.

Freedom is a tricky idea. Can you be free in one area of life while still trapped in another? If you are enslaved, what does it mean to live freely in Christ? Often, we think that in order to live in the freedom Jesus offers us, we have to change our circumstances. In today’s passage, Paul makes it clear that that is not the case.

The time right after Jesus was a challenging time as the church was just forming. Paul encourages everyone to hold tight and not try to change a whole bunch of circumstances in a hasty effort to be a Jesus-follower. Instead, he encourages us to live a godly life in the midst of our circumstances.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Your earthly situation does not define you.

Regardless of the situation you find yourself in today, you can live a free life. Your circumstances changing doesn’t guarantee that you will be more free. Paul is pointing us to an important truth: freedom happens when you encounter the Holy Spirit. You can live freely even in bad circumstances, because true freedom happens deep in your soul. Certainly, if you are able to get free in an earthly sense as well, do it. But if you are powerless over your situation, find freedom in it. This is truly a supernatural act and you can’t do it yourself. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to live your free life right now even as you wait for a way out.