1 Corinthians 7:29-40

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 7:29-40 before reading the devotional below.

The realities of the spiritual realm impact our earthly lives. Yes, we have day-to-day responsibilities and we do need to attend to them. But that is not all there is. If you need to take care of your family, if you experience stress or loss, or if something awesome happens to you, it can’t own you. As a follower of Jesus, you maintain an awareness of the spiritual realm.

While not a rule or restriction, Paul reminds us that those who are single are able to maintain a better focus on spiritual work. If you have fewer obligations, you can more quickly say yes to anything God calls you towards. Paul acknowledges that sometimes our earthly passions are too much to handle as a single person, and there is nothing wrong with getting married. But if you can handle a mission-focused life, it is worth doing.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Freedom is found when we aren’t tied down.

An American way of life is all about “stuff.” American Christians also place a very high value on marriage, which has its strengths and weaknesses. Rarely have I heard a sermon preached to a youth group that encouraged them to deeply consider a life of singleness. Far more attention is on how to progress through American milestones well — be a good steward, find a nice Christian to marry, be fruitful and multiply, buy a house (with all that money you saved while being a good steward). These things are not bad or wrong, but we overemphasize them. The less you have tying you down, the more ready you are to go wherever God calls you. What’s tying you down today? What could you remove from your life (debts, obligations outside of marriage/family, etc.) that would make you more able to focus on ministry and spiritual work?

1 Corinthians 8:1-8

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 8:1-8 before reading the devotional below.

Chapter 8 may seem like it’s all about food sacrificed to idols, but it’s actually about something much bigger. Paul was addressing a debate about whether or not food was okay to eat if it was previously sacrificed to an idol, something that would have been common in Corinth with the cultural belief in the Greek gods. The Old Testament law had forbidden eating food sacrificed to idols, but Christians understood that idols are false and ultimately powerless. Food is food, and a false ritual doesn’t change that.

However, if you are a follower of Jesus and have spiritual knowledge and insight, none of it matters if you are an obnoxious jerk. Sadly, that is how many “Christians” act today. They may be right, but their attitudes are all wrong. Before you take up an issue and make it the cause worth fighting for, ask yourself who you might hurt in the process.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Loving brings more freedom than being right.

When was the last time you debated someone about their beliefs? When was the last time you judged someone for their spiritual ignorance? Jesus set us free from a system of rules and laws — we do not have to do any rituals to make us right with God. But when we argue that point with others who may still hold on to some rituals, we lose the very freedom Jesus came to give us. Keep the main thing the main thing when you approach how others handle their beliefs. There is room for a lot of gray on minor issues, and maybe we don’t all have to be exactly the same.

1 Corinthians 8:9-13

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 8:9-13 before reading the devotional below.

Your spiritual life is not about you. Obviously, first and foremost your spiritual life is about Jesus if you have chosen to follow him. But in addition to that, your spiritual life is about those around you. How you live and treat others matters — so much, in fact, that Jesus summed it all up as “Love God and love others.”

There are different ways that we can embrace our freedom given to us by Jesus. We can live out the reality that rules are not the most important thing. There is freedom in that. But if someone alongside you in the spiritual journey follows some rules because they find freedom in that, you don’t need to make their spiritual life harder. Give them room to live by their conviction and have the humility to participate with them if the opportunity arises.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Your freedom is meant for sharing.

These verses talk about not causing another follower of Jesus to stumble in their faith. That means if you are doing something because you feel free to do it, but another person may struggle with handling that freedom, give up your rights for the other person. In my church, these verses are the basis for our decision to have everyone in leadership or any influencer position commit to not drink alcohol. It’s not because we claim that alcohol is always categorically wrong. But in our context with a lot of recovering (or in need of recovering) alcoholics, drinking is something we give up in solidarity. We would not want anyone to relapse because they saw someone they looked up to having a drink. What could you give up for your brothers and sisters in Christ? How might this give you even more freedom than hanging on to what you feel is “allowed” for Christians?

1 Corinthians 9:1-12

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 9:1-12 before reading the devotional below.

In this letter to the Corinthians, Paul is addressing some issues that we do not have information about. We can only infer from what Paul writes that there were some disputes about a variety of matters, one of which was paying the apostles who visited the church. Some in the church must have raised questions about why they should pay the apostles to come into town.

Paul compares his life as a missionary and apostle (leader of the broader, growing church) to that of a soldier and a farmer. He’s fighting a spiritual war. He’s planting spiritual seeds. And even though he is entitled to pay, he personally doesn’t try to claim that right. He doesn’t mention it here, but Paul supported himself with a side business making tents. Here he is defending the rights of others, like Peter, who are married and have given their lives for the sake of sharing the Gospel.

Here’s your freedom for today:

You are part of a larger work.

The Bible tells us, both here and in the Old Testament verses that Paul references, to give to the church to support the leaders. We also give to missionaries who work around the world to bring hope and help to those in need. Not everyone is called to be a church leader or missionary, but we are all part of the spiritual work. If you are not called to go, you are called to support those who do. This role should not be seen as a requirement or dreaded obligation, but rather an honorable way to participate in God’s work around the world. How can you jump into this movement that is bigger than any of us?

1 Corinthians 9:13-21

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 9:13-21 before reading the devotional below.

Recall from yesterday’s post that Paul was defending the right of the apostles (Peter in particular) to be paid by the churches in order to continue doing ministry. Paul continues here to describe his sense of calling, and it is worth taking time to observe what we can about the example Paul offers.

Paul describes himself as a slave, and says he has “no choice” but to proclaim the Gospel because he is compelled by God to do it. Sometimes people want a personal sense of calling from God, and while we all have a calling to share the Gospel, some are called to give up normal life in a unique way. One sign of a true calling from God is a sense that you couldn’t put it down if you tried. That could feel like slavery, but with God it is freedom.

Here’s your freedom for today:

God’s assignments are an invitation.

When God calls you to minister to others, it is an invitation to participate in the work he is doing around the world. Some work in local churches, some travel as missionaries, and some serve their neighbors and communities. What is one thing you can’t seem to let go of? Something you just HAVE to do something about? Maybe you have cared about a certain cause or problem throughout your life and you just can’t shake it. Whatever you are asking God to do to solve that issue, consider responding to it yourself. I have a sign in my house that says, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” God has invited you to participate in his work. If you have a burden for something, respond! Be the answer to the prayers you have been praying.