1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 before reading the devotional below.

We get a lot of things wrong. Even when we get some things right, we can’t let that carry us away and ignore all that we are missing. It’s unclear what the Corinthian church issues were — we only can piece it together from Paul’s letter to them addressing the problems they faced. From yesterday’s passage, it seemed as though head coverings was one issue, and verse 17 makes it sound like perhaps they were doing something right there (though we still may not be entirely sure what).

One thing they were not getting right was the Lord’s Supper — also known as communion. Traditions have changed and we certainly can’t picture a perfectly circular wafer and be accurate to what it was like back then. However, we know that they were getting it wrong because they were missing the whole point.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Freedom is found in protecting what is sacred.

Jesus’ death on the cross requires solemn remembrance. Even though we celebrate his resurrection, we still mourn the death he endured. The Lord’s Supper reminds us of his broken body and the blood he shed. But it is also supposed to remind us of our unity. We do it together or not at all. The point is not to have a meal or to fill our bellies, but to come together in a sacred way to do a sacred thing. When we treat sacred things lightly, we fail to soak in the beauty and unity that God has created for us to enjoy. Even in the midst of a solemn and sorrowful remembrance, there is joy and peace to be found.

1 Corinthians 12:1-11

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 before reading the devotional below.

Have you ever felt like you aren’t very good at anything? Great! You are just the person God has in mind for some supernatural abilities. He chooses people who aren’t all that impressive because he wants it to be clear that he is the source of your talents. Not only that, he can impact the supernatural, eternal realm with the skills he gives you.

There are all types of spiritual gifts, but they all support the main goal of worshiping Jesus, spreading the Gospel, and building up the church. For me, the Holy Spirit has at times given me supernatural knowledge that enables me to speak directly into a situation. He also gives me wisdom that I share with others when needed. When this happens, the Holy Spirit is the one doing the work, which means there is significant power in it. This is not something I can do by myself.

Here’s your freedom for today:

You can be a part of something bigger.

Have you asked the Holy Spirit to give you any of the gifts listed in today’s passage? If not, I would encourage you to ask. If you have asked, keep on asking. The Bible tells us to seek the gifts of the Spirit and to be persistent in our prayers. We don’t ask for these gifts so that we can experience something cool or show off. Instead, ask with a genuine desire to serve God. He will equip you for exactly the works he has already prepared for you to do.

1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 before reading the devotional below.

If you have ever been to just about any Christian type of church, you’ve probably heard them refer to the “body of Christ.” There are two ways we can understand this, both from 1 Corinthians. First, the “body of Christ” is symbolized in communion or the eucharist. The bread or crackers represent his body on the cross as it was broken to pay the penalty for our sins. A second meaning is found in today’s passage: the global group of followers of Jesus. We are, together, the body of Christ.

This metaphor of a body to represent the church, or community of Jesus-followers, helps in a few ways. First, Jesus is referred to as the “head” — he’s the brains of this operation. Second, it helps us see that we do not all have to be the same when we follow Jesus. We are all different parts of one body. As such, we need to recognize not only our importance and place, but also the importance and place of others.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Freedom is found in community.

We’ve already talked about how you can be part of something bigger. The church is a global movement, led and guided by the Holy Spirit in a unique way since Jesus’ time on earth. You have a role to play. But not just you, individually, by yourself. The “you” here is a collective “you” — you (American church), you (African church), you (Latin church) — all of us around the world. Within that, you (Baptists) and you (Pentecostals) and you (Catholics) have a role to play in the body. Anyone who is seeking to follow Jesus represents a part of that collective whole. We spend too much time trying to convince each other that our brand of Christianity is “right” to the expense of the others. Paul is teaching just the opposite here. Maybe we don’t all have to be noses, or arms, or left feet. What would it take for us to not only accept our role, but function as one coherent body?

1 Corinthians 13:1-7

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 before reading the devotional below.

These verses are some of the most famous in the Bible. You might come across this “love” passage on a decoration or at a wedding. Even those who are not Christians find meaning in these words. But even if you’ve heard them before, slow down and soak them in today.

Recall that Paul just talked about supernatural gifts and abilities given to us by the Holy Spirit. There was a call to unity as one body. Paul reminds us that without love, we have nothing supernatural at all. Love is defined here as a description of God himself — patient, kind, not prideful or rude, not irritable, and not holding on to wrongs. Take a moment to sit with each word in verses 4 through 7. Does that describe you?

Here’s your freedom for today:

God is calling you to a higher level.

Following Jesus is all about following. We imitate Jesus. We take direction from the Holy Spirit. We seek to embody the Father’s heart. Most of us imitate other things — the people around us, culture, even our parents in both good and bad ways. You could make it your mission to live out these verses every day for the rest of your life and you still would have farther to go. There is no end to the spiritual depth here. So go ahead, make this your mission. After all, without love, everything else is just a waste of time.

1 Corinthians 13:8-13

Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 before reading the devotional below.

As a licensed counselor, I am very aware that in eternity I will no longer have a job. Without pain and suffering, counselors will become obsolete. And I am perfectly happy about that. I have plenty of things I’d like to do that I’m saving for heaven. Right now, the job that I have is part of a bigger mission. The other stuff can wait.

Some of what the Holy Spirit equips us to do here on earth is just like my job — it’s for right now. In eternity, we won’t need to prophesy. We won’t need to spread the Gospel or serve others in need. These things will disappear. But Paul tell us here that three things will never disappear: faith, hope, and love.

Here’s your freedom for today:

All that is good in the world is yours to keep.

Our world is full of pain and suffering. Evil continues to exist and expand. .But once in a while you catch a glimpse of heaven — something that brings you hope, builds up your faith, or causes you to love more deeply. These are the good things that haven’t been able to be stamped out, despite all the evil. And these are yours to keep forever. There is no end to that which inspires and uplifts us. Imagine a world like that. That’s your home, and we’re just getting ready. Do all you can on earth to help everyone make that their home. The other stuff can wait.