Day 6 Prayers for the New Year

A Prayer of Re-Creation

Holy Spirit, you hovered in the darkness over the waters as you birthed us and our world as your creation. You brought Jesus into the world through Mary in much the same way. Now, we invite you into our dark spaces and ask you to hover in and over them. Make something new of us this year. Birth new spaces in our hearts and minds so that we may come to know you more fully. Create and re-create us into your likeness. Bring your purposes to bear through new ideas, fresh vision, and revitalizing experiences. We dedicate this coming year to you. Do what you will with us and help us to align our hearts with yours daily.


Day 5 Prayers for the New Year

A Prayer of Humiliation

Jesus, we thank you for the voluntary humiliation you offered — making yourself low as a baby in a manger, allowing yourself to be hated and mocked, dying a humiliating death on the cross. As we enter a new year, we renew our commitment to follow you in every area, including when we might enter into humility ourselves. Whether we are humble or humbled, bring us your grace to use those moments to draw nearer to you. We hand over our pride and ask that you would replace it with humility and peace. May we never think of ourselves more highly than we ought.


Day 4 Prayers for the New Year

A Prayer of Sanctification

Father, as we begin this year, remove the impurities and sins that have entangled us again. We ask for your forgiveness and seek to repent of all that has separated us from you. Cleanse and purify our hearts, that we may be made whole. Set us apart as your spotless bride for your purposes. May we live in this world yet remain unscathed by it. We devote our hearts and minds to your will and your ways in all things. Bring your kingdom to earth as it is in heaven through your church. Prepare our hearts to be willing vessels.


Day 3 Prayers for the New Year

A Prayer of Reconciliation

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the unity within You shows us what relationships are really all about. I pray that you would bring unity and reconciliation to your church. Between denominations, across cultures, and among friends and family. Restore us once again to the likeness of yourself — you made us in your image in part for the purpose of full unity with yourself and with others. Align us with your Spirit so that as we keep in step with you we reconcile with each other. Remove sin and all that separates us so that we may truly be the Church and your bride.


Day 2 Prayers for the New Year

A Prayer of Consecration

God, I enter this new year consecrating myself to you. Purify my heart, make me right before you. I want to be set apart and made holy. Far more than new habits or self-improvement, I ask for your transforming power to move me and change me. Prepare me for the work you have for me to do in the coming year. May I be filled with your Spirit and refined by your fire.
