“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!”
We continue our exploration of the psalms with Psalm 46. This song was written to be sung by women for the descendants of Korah. In college I sang a version of this song, and I can attest to the fact that there is something powerful about soprano voices declaring these words.
These verses feel like fighting verses. A sort of spiritual, “Do you want to challenge the God of Israel? Do you want to threaten his people?” There is a sense that we refuse to be intimidated by all of the enemy’s schemes. Satan is called the god of this world, and he has real power over things like the weather. He can bring about destruction through earthquakes and fierce storms. Here the psalmist says on our behalf, “Go ahead… Give us your best shot. We’re not backing down!”
Here’s your freedom for today: when Satan picks a fight with God’s people, he picks a fight with God. We have a role in opposing Satan, but his real conqueror is Jesus. Too often we think individually about the battles we face, but if we think about the world as a whole we see more clearly the spiritual battle of good versus evil playing out. You are caught in a war, but the only portion you can fight is the battle right around you. Don’t be afraid and do not back down, but also remember that this war is God’s to win and he has already overcome.