Colossians 1:18-20

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Take a moment to read Colossians 1:18-20 before reading the devotional below.

In yesterday’s post, we saw the complex interaction within God himself, with Jesus described as the visible appearance of God and the Creator of all things. Today we explore the relationship between Jesus and the church. In these verses, Jesus is described as having two roles: Head and Reconciler.

It might sound weird to describe Jesus as the head of a body (throughout the Bible used as a metaphor for the church). But Jesus and the Church can’t be separated anymore than you can be decapitated and survive. On top of that, Jesus being God himself cannot be separated from the Father. Verse 19 says that “God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ.” This intimate relationship in which there is no definable separation between God and Jesus Christ extends to the Church. We are invited into enter into God’s peace through Jesus’ reconciling work on the cross. He made things right between you and God.

Here’s your freedom for today: you have an open invitation to unite with Christ. Imagine the magnitude of this invitation — the Creator and Sustainer of all creation came in all fullness to earth in order to make peace with you. Why would he do that? Why does he care? What does it mean for you to accept God’s peace? Take some time to ponder those questions today.