Colossians 1:21-22

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Take a moment to read Colossians 1:21-22 before reading the devotional below. 

If you haven’t kept up with our Colossians series so far, pause and read the past few days’ devotionals to catch up. In my opinion these are some of the most important verses in the whole Bible. And they are essential leading into today’s passage.

We start in verse 21 with words that are so profound I almost don’t want to write another word: “This includes you…” If that doesn’t hit you and bring tears to your eyes, read it until it does. This peace-making that God went to all lengths to bring — it’s for you. We all are enemies of God, corrupted by sin and led astray by evil. You might think, “Well, I haven’t done anything THAT bad…” It’s not about how your sin seems to measure up to you. It is about the broken state of relationship that exists between every human and God our creator. God isn’t waiting for you to fix it. He knows you can’t. But he repaired what we cannot. He’s inviting you in to be with him.

Here’s your freedom for today: God wants you. Plain and simple, too good to be true (but yet it is!) — he wants you. He wants you so much he made a way for you to be with him, pure and blameless just like it was all supposed to be from the start. If you don’t understand the relationship as God designed it to be, read Genesis 1-3. He was willing to take a risk on us by letting us be involved in ruling over his creation. And even though it sure seems like that risk was not worth it, he doesn’t seem to be backing away from us. Instead, he’s drawing us closer. I can’t explain or understand the ways of God — all I know is that today he includes me. He wants me. And I am saying yes.