Colossians 2:6-10

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Take a moment to read Colossians 2:6-10 before reading the devotional below. 

When and how does salvation happen? Is it all in one moment — pray the sinner’s prayer and get signed up for heaven? Or is it a process that we are slowly working out? Yes. And no. God’s power instantly transforms your life from the moment you ask for his forgiveness. But you also need to walk in that newfound freedom or it will not take root. Paul describes this process well when he says, “…you must continue to follow him.” Accepting Jesus is wonderful. Following him is just as central to your faith.

Why do we need to focus so hard on following? Because there are a lot of ideas floating around out there in the world. Different religions, unique points of view, and theories about how the world works. Some might try to tell you that all religions are basically the same. (The only people who say this are those who have never actually studied world religions in any depth.) Some of these ideas are mutually exclusive — they cannot both be true. Eventually, you have to pick a side and land somewhere. That’s called faith. Jesus’ claims to be God require faith and action.

Here’s your freedom for today: Jesus completes you. We often look to people, places, and things to make us feel whole. We buy into worldly ideas and systems in search of happiness. And yet here we see that Jesus, who embodies the fullness of God, fulfills us in a way that nothing else ever could. God created us for the very purpose of relationship with him. In unity with God through Christ, we are truly whole and free.