Take a moment to read Colossians 3:1-4 before reading the devotional below.
When you are so completely changed that your heart goes from dead to very much alive, things are never the same. This is Jesus’ transforming power. When this happens to you, you see the world from a whole different view. It’s like finding out that you have been looking at everything completely upside-down and then someone flips it right-side-up.
This chapter starts with a phrase that just hits you right between the eyes: “…set your sights on the realities of heaven…” Wow. Just sit with that for a second. There is something so hopeful and inspiring about setting your sights on realities that you have so much confidence in you don’t even need to see it first. That’s real faith. And your real life is so deeply embedded in Jesus that the only way to truly find yourself is to press in further and further into who he is. By the time the fullness of his glory shows up, you’ll be right there in the center of it all.
Here’s your freedom for today: one day your eternal hope for will become a reality. You will live in the place you long for. You will find home. If you feel like you are searching and searching for a deep sense of belonging and freedom, it is because your heart was made for that search. And you won’t stop feeling that longing until it is fulfilled eternally deep in the heart of God. While you wait for that place, don’t waste your time. There is a lot you can do to bring a piece of that home into the world right now. Go love somebody a little, make someone’s day better, and shine into dark places until you find a bit of heaven.