Day 11 Expectation

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Take a moment to read Isaiah 40:1-11 before reading the devotional below.

God is a patient father. His people are crying, begging him to make things right again. Before Jesus came, they were crying for the Messiah. Today, we continue to cry out for a full restoration to the way things are supposed to be. God’s response to this crying is not, “Stop crying!” as our children are too often told. Instead, he picks us up and says, “Comfort, comfort, my people…” His reassuring tone reminds us of his patience and love.

John the Baptist points back to this prophecy as a description of his role in preparing the way for Jesus to come. He fulfilled this “voice in the wilderness” turning people back to God. The message God would bring through the Messiah was similar to what we’ve talked about in this series: the things of this earth will wither and fade, but God’s kingdom will last forever. Jesus came with that message and it still rings true today.

God is offering comfort to you and to us all. “I am coming, just hold on…” is his message to you today. The end of today’s passage reminds us of God’s power. But he uses that power to be on the side of those who have no earthly power. He’s for the down-and-out kind of person. If you feel like you can’t catch a break, then God has a special place in his heart and in his plan for you. He’s holding you. He has you today. Lean into his embrace and take a slow, deep breath. He’s coming.