Deuteronomy 15

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Take a moment to read Deuteronomy 15 before reading the devotional below.

Every family has heard children arguing with the shouted words, “Let it go!” and the return of “No!  You let it go!” It could be about a soccer ball, a teddy bear or a remote. Someone believes they should get the toy because they had it first.  The other person believes they should get the same toy because they “didn’t get to play with it at all last time.” On and on the argument goes, and it always seems possible that the argument could go on forever.  After all, there is only one way to end the stalemate. Someone has to let go.

In Deuteronomy 15 Moses is getting into practical details about how the Israelites need to live with God as their king.  God establishes this amazing rule that all debts are canceled every seven years. It is part of a package of rules that has one key idea at its heart: generosity.  God wants his people to live generously. The greatest challenge to true generosity is holding on too tightly to material possessions. God seeks to set his people free of this clutching, stingy spirit by challenging them to institutionalize generosity.  He also claims the first and best of all they have for himself. God has given them their land, the rain, the flocks and herds. God has given them everything. He has absolute right to claim the first and best of their animals.

Generosity begins with confidence in God’s generosity towards us.  How has God been generous towards you? Take time to celebrate God’s generosity.  Take time to express your gratitude to him. Then choose to pass that generosity along to those in your life.  Find ways to be generous to those who need help. In choosing to live generously you will be living a life that mirrors the character of God, our king.