Deuteronomy 18

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Take a moment to read Deuteronomy 18 before reading the devotional below.

“Pastor, I wanted to talk to you..” I have had people say this to me over the phone, via facebook messenger and in a text.  Unbeknownst to me, they have often been working up to it. They are preparing themselves to share something deeply personal or to seek counsel in an area of life that is incredibly sensitive.  That’s why I often find myself turning the text or message into a meeting. I want to sit down, listen to the whole story, and then be able to ask a lot of questions. Each time I hear that opening comment, I am reminded of the power and influence that religious leaders have.  I am also reminded of the responsibility those same leaders have.

In Deuteronomy 18 God is using Moses to continue to teach the Israelites about godly leadership.  In this case, most of the chapter is focused on priests and prophets. The priests, or Levites, were the only people in the nation who had not received an inheritance of land.  The inheritance of land was intended to ensure that God’s people never fell into poverty – they could always grow their own food. The Levites, however, were a family unit or tribe that had not been given land.  Instead they were given the special privilege of receiving the sacrificial animals from the rest of the nation. So when an Israelite sacrificed a sheep or cow to God, the Levite was given food from that. What’s the point?  Religious leaders have practical needs, and God always wants those need provided for. Second, God talks about prophets. Simply put, God reminds his people that he has exceptionally high standards for leaders who claim to represent God.   

In this chapter God shows his love for the leaders and the followers among his people. He creates systems and structures that provide for and protect both.  As a follower of Jesus you can be confident that all his plans are in your best interests. He doesn’t see any conflict between what is best for you and what is best for another one of his followers.  He is so wise that he can come up with a perfect plan that is perfectly beneficial for all his followers at the same time.