Deuteronomy 21

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Deuteronomy 21 before reading the devotional below.

Reading the law book of an ancient civilization is an odd thing to do. Yet here we are, reading Deuteronomy and understanding it to be the inspired word of God. Today is a good reminder that the Bible is not like any other book. It is not even like other ancient civilization’s law books (if we even had access to others…). No, the Bible is the way that God has chosen to reveal himself. As such, we need to read it with this question in mind: “What is God trying to tell us about himself?”

If you read today’s passage as you would a regular book, it would probably be off-putting to your modern sensibilities. If you read it asking about the character of God, you get something much deeper: God demands human decency. There are four examples in this chapter — finding a dead body, taking in a prisoner of war, having a firstborn son who’s not your favorite, and having a rebellious son. Interestingly, the first three are offered protection. God makes them honor the dead, the female prisoners of war, and the less-than-favored firstborn son. All of them have rights in God’s book. However, the rebellious son gets stoned to death. Evil requires no protection.

No one is perfect, so receiving God’s protection does not mean you are sinless. However, there are some situations in which you are innocent, such as being a victim of murder, war, or an unloving father. Some of you have been victimized as well, and in that place God is 100% interested in restoring your dignity and worth. The evil you invite into your life, on the other hand, God will not allow to fester. Sin will always take you down and cause you to forfeit the good God has given you. Following God isn’t about being perfect, but it is always in our best interest to stay lined up with God’s ways. We are always protected when we stay near to him.