Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Exodus 27 before reading the devotional below.
The lights never go out at God’s house. He’s always guiding us, showing us the way out of the darkness. His Tabernacle design reflects his desire to always leave the light on for his children. Even in the midst of the painful separation between God and his people, he wants them to come as close as they can. These actions serve as a reminder that the separation was not caused by God, nor is it his desire, but it was brought about by evil. God’s heart is forever closely knit to his children’s.
Today’s chapter describes the altar upon which the priests will offer the burnt offerings. As is later described in Leviticus 1, the burnt offerings were the ones given as an atonement for sin. Imagine every time you sin you are required to give up an animal to be killed and offered by the priests. Your sin and your inability to stop sinning would be ever present on your mind. The cost of sin was great, and God’s people felt it on a daily basis.
Here’s your freedom for today: your mistakes have been consumed on God’s altar. He has offered a permanent atonement for our sins. Your sin and mine went up in smoke on God’s altar as Jesus died on the cross. It is mindblowing that God lowered himself to the place of an animal to be killed and destroyed. Now the sin-separation between you and God is gone. Completely. You have been made right with God forever. He’s left the light on for you — will you stop by to talk with him today?