Ezekiel 13:3 – “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: What sorrow awaits the false prophets who are following their own imaginations and have seen nothing at all!”
If I could sum up my worst fear it would be Ezekiel 13:3. I pray quite a lot, I would say I have heard from God, and I write down things I believe he is telling me. I’ve certainly had moments where I’ve been confused, but in my darkest moments I worry that I’m just making it all up. I’ve created an imaginary story of what God is going to do in my life and I’ve seen nothing at all. It’s devastating.
It’s easy to read condemnation into chapters like this one. “You’re wrong, you’ve never heard from God, you’re no prophet!” I think that ultimately those who do have a prophetic gift often struggle with self-doubt. We need to go back to what this chapter is really saying: false prophets make up magical spells and tell everyone that there’s no need to worry about a need for God. “Everything’s fine, you don’t need God! Turn to these other products instead!” Sound familiar?
Here’s your freedom for today:
God speaks to us today through his Spirit and his Word.
God is speaking to you. Maybe even right now. He’s stirring something in you and giving you hope for a full and blessed life. That’s what he has for you. He’s calling you to himself, inviting you through Jesus into relationship. He’s paid for all your wrongs and inadequacies. You get to just get blessings dumped on you for free. The Gospel is amazing, and to quote The Princess Bride: “Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.” Don’t fall for the gimmicks and the promises of quick fixes. Turn your eyes to Jesus, who is the author and perfecter of your faith. Yes, he is in fact working things out for you. Set aside your doubts.