Ezekiel 22

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Ezekiel 22:30 – “I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one.”

Read the full chapter here.

Have you ever looked at all the evil in the world and wondered why God doesn’t do something about it? From what we read in today’s chapter, he’s working on it. The phrase “Son of Man” refers to a coming Messiah, who we now understand is Jesus. Many times the prophets foretold destruction that would happen on two levels — one in a shorter time frame and one at the end of the world. In the end, God’s destruction of evil and all who engage in it will stop all the suffering.

Today’s highlighted verse gives us an image and phrase you might have seen or heard before: “stand in the gap.” God sees that his people have known how to live rightly in the past and they are not so far gone that there is nothing left to rebuild. But there is a portion of the wall destroyed. God only needs ONE person to stand in that gap in the wall in order to protect the people from destruction. Just one.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Your life can make an eternal difference.

If God were looking for someone to stand in the gap and protect his people, could you be that one? Does your life reflect God’s truth and his ways? Is your heart yearning after him? Do live with eternal purpose in mind? You could be used to protect God’s people by blocking destruction in their lives. How do you do that? Leadership. Right living. Allowing Jesus to be the everything that you live for. Be an influencer — live a life that is worth emulating. Stand as a spiritual shield for those who need it. You can make an eternal difference.