Genesis 10

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 10 before reading the devotional below.

I bet you didn’t know that being called “Nimrod” was a compliment! The Bible is always full of surprises, and today’s chapter includes that gem. Here we have more genealogy, but this passage gives us a sense of the development of global nations on a different level.

History is a significant thing to pay attention to, in part because we learn from those who have gone before us and in part because it connects the Bible with actual events. Through this type of information, archaeologists and historians have been able to verify the truth of the Bible based on its historical accuracy. This chapter gives us the start of major empires in Assyria, Babylon, Philistia, and other regions. These names will be a significant part of the history of the Jewish people later on in the Bible.

Here’s your freedom for today:

The world is bigger than you.

When I read words like “all the nations of the earth” in the Bible, it reminds me that I am not the center of the universe. God’s been setting things up since the beginning of time, and he’s established earthly nations and rulers since the moment the flood ended. His plan is so vast, and I only understand some of the parts that he has chosen to reveal to us. In God’s infinite nature, there is certainly far more he has chosen not to reveal. My life is important, and I am important, but I am not the central figure even in my own story. God is the hero and the one around whom all stories are based. When I align myself with this truth, I am able to step back from a lot of things that seem urgent and lean into what God is actually doing.