Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 11 before reading the devotional below.
God has watched humanity since the beginning, and he is well aware of how much destruction we can bring to the world. In today’s chapter, it may seem that God is intimidated by all that humans might be able to accomplish. However, given what he has seen in Adam, Noah, and everyone in between, this chapter may be more like an inventor whose “Frankenstein” takes on an ugly life of its own.
God sees that a united humanity could become a strong force, and the presence of evil in the world means that destruction is likely to follow. He scrambles language and scatters various tribes and nations to prevent another downfall like the one that led to the flood.
Here’s your freedom for today:
God is looking for people he can use.
At the end of this chapter, we meet Abram. We’ll see God’s involvement with him in the coming chapters, but it’s clear that God is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of God. Instead, he’s actively involved in his creation, keeping mankind from destroying itself and choosing individuals that can rise up as leaders. We’ll see throughout Genesis that God’s leadership choices are not always who you’d expect. So far, what we know is that God plans to birth his own nation from a woman who can’t have kids. We’ll see where that leads us…