Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 17 before reading the devotional below.
It’s hard for us to conceive of the longer lifespans of those in the early Old Testament, but at age 99 Abram is just getting started. God changes his name to Abraham, which shifts the meaning of his name from “exalted father” to “father of many.” Interesting how all the way along, Abram has been carrying a father identity despite his lack of children. God now expands Abram’s identity to demonstrate his plans and promises.
For his promise, God has one demand: a piece of flesh from every male. Why would God want such a thing? It’s actually similar to other symbolic and cultural rituals in which a servant would be marked to show allegiance to their master. It also sets up a clear demand for blood as a payment for sin. Circumcision is also a pretty quick way to tell the difference between friends and enemies in battle.
Here’s your freedom for today:
God’s promises are better than you think.
When God continues to tell Abraham that he will bless him with many descendants, Abraham is still stuck on that promise being fulfilled through Ishmael. He never figured out (after 13 years) that God was still sticking to the original plan and he wasn’t going to fulfill his promises through Abraham’s sinful efforts. Sarai (now renamed Sarah) is not going to be left out here — God has blessings for her in perhaps the most significant never-too-late story in the Bible. Even though they lived longer back then, even Abraham is surprised at a 90-year-old woman having a baby. God’s promises will always exceed our expectations, so whatever your imagination can create is just a fraction of all that God has for you.