Genesis 39

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 39 before reading the devotional below.

Today we tune back into Joseph’s life now that he has been traded by his brothers as a slave. It just so happens that the head of the royal guard in Egypt buys Joseph, so he’s immediately in proximity to royalty. I wonder if it occured to Joseph that this was the path towards the visions he had received from God. The Bible doesn’t tell us his thoughts, but it does say that God was with him and blessed him. Even better than the “midas touch.”

Joseph’s a quality guy, and his owner gives him more and more responsibilities and luxuries. He’s so outstanding that he refuses to sleep with the slave owner’s wife who seduces him and lies about it. Straight to prison for Joseph. Anyone would be reasonably discouraged by this point, but the Bible once again says that God was with Joseph in prison and gave him favor with the prison guard. God’s rising him back to the top once again.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Supernatural success is not limited by your natural abilities.

The Bible emphasizes multiple times in this chapter that God was giving Joseph success. It doesn’t say, “Joseph was a really talented guy and everyone noticed.” It says, “God was with him and gave him success.” Period. Full stop. God is doing it. Where is the hand of God at work in your life? Are you noticing it? As a slave or in prison, Joseph could have jumped right into despair and self-pity. He could have assumed God left him. Or he could have swung the other way and given himself a solid pat on the back for his awesome rise to the top. He would have been wrong either way. Which way do you tend to swing?