Genesis 42

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 42 before reading the devotional below.

Joseph’s dreams are coming true, but it sure doesn’t feel like sweet victory quite yet. In today’s chapter, Joseph is the governor in charge of selling all the grain they had stored up in the years of plenty. Famine has hit now and people are coming from all around to buy food from Egpyt. Joseph’s brothers travel a long distance to seek food in Egypt, and Joseph recognizes them right away. They bow down to him, just as the dream had foretold.

Joseph seems to be getting a little revenge at this point. Although he could have had them all killed, instead he simply acts the part of an angry ruler who accuses them of spying. He uses a translator so they do not know he actually speaks their language. He demands that the youngest brother, the only one left home, be brought back. Recall that the youngest, Benjamin, is Joseph’s only full brother as they had the same mother (Rachel). He takes Simeon as collateral while he waits for the brothers to arrive.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Innocence turns into favor from God.

Joseph was treated badly when he was sold into slavery, when he was falsely accused of sexual misconduct, and when he was forgotten as a prisoner. To this point, he has remained innocent and there is no record of him even complaining to God about his circumstances (which the Bible has no problem telling us about in many other stories). Even here as his brothers return and his dream is fulfilled, he does not act out of anger or arrogance. While he does make his demands, he sees to it that no one is hurt and the brothers’ money is secretly given back to them. When we remain innocent in challenging situations, God honors our obedience. Although it may take time, we will reap the favor of God when we have continually done the right thing.