Genesis 43

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 43 before reading the devotional below.

Jacob is playing favorites with his sons again, seeming to have no trouble leaving Simeon in prison in Egypt while delaying at the thought of sending Benjamin back to Egypt with the others. Benjamin was the only son remaining from his beloved wife, Rachel, who died giving birth to Benjamin. As far as Jacob knows, Joseph was killed by wild animals (the lie his other sons made up to explain his disappearance after selling him as a slave). He can’t bear to lose his other son from Rachel.

In the end, he has no other choice but to send Benjamin because they are all going to starve. When they all get there, Joseph continues to pretend he does not know them. He is overcome at seeing Benjamin and has to leave the room to weep. He composes himself and sets the table for a feast, blowing their minds when he seats them in order from oldest to youngest.

Here’s your freedom for today:

Sometimes we need to let go in order to gain.

Jacob did everything he could to avoid giving up Benjamin. He drove the rest of his family to near-starvation because he feared losing Rachel’s only remaining son. But we know the truth — Joseph is alive and well! The only way Jacob can ever reconnect with Joseph is to release Benjamin, which he does. As we will see in the coming days, Jacob will be blessed with the return of all of his sons, including Joseph and Benjamin. Is there something you need to release today? There is no guarantee of gaining something greater, but what you can’t see right now may just be tomorrow’s possibility.