Genesis 7

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 7 before reading the devotional below.

Today’s story is perhaps one of the most frequently re-told Bible stories, and it’s a good idea to pay attention to the actual biblical account instead of only relying on what you’ve heard before. I was shocked as an adult to find that the Bible does not mention anyone mocking Noah for building the ark, as this detail was part of every re-telling I had ever heard. The Bible does not tell us anything about how the people around Noah responded, or if they even noticed his giant backyard boat.

Verse 16 tells us a lot about God’s character. It says, “God closed the door behind them.” This chapter repeats the fact that Noah was obedient to God, doing everything God had commanded. God honors that obedience and takes care of Noah, his family, and the animals on board and makes sure the door shuts nice and tight.

Here’s your freedom for today:

God’s got your back.

Sometimes people look at the Bible as a bunch of rules. They see God as demanding and rule-focused. We see here that obedience is the means to rescue. If Noah had not obeyed, he would have gotten wiped out with everyone else. Not because God didn’t want to save him, but because he wouldn’t have been able to. God doesn’t force anyone to be rescued. You get to choose obedience or not. God offer of rescue is a free gift, but he’s not going to make you take it. What area of obedience is God trying to use to rescue you today?